This post is going to be long because I combined two posts Probably one of the more hilarious youtube videos I've recently come across. Even if you don't know ANYTHING about Half life I think you will still find this to be the most retardedly funny things in quite some time. If you're wondering about the oddity of the 'script' It was some fanfic written by somebody who clearly does not speak english, or else has some serious mental problems...either way makes for great hilarity. original story can be found here . Alos look at the rest of them(there are three others) they're almost as entertaining...almost this is stackle * it's insane. I found it on Newgrounds and I must say it's fun, whether you're trying to keep the stack tall and strong or if you're just trying to destroy it. developed by here's a tower I made (zoom out to see it's true "beauty") Also found some crazy stuff on deviantart like The Shallow ...