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Showing posts from August, 2009

eggs, pills and awkward families

And now for a post that is considerably more visual: I just remembered this great collection of art by *nocturnal moth . They're anthropomorphized inanimate objects(in other words, she drew on random stuff she had at her house and took pictures of the silliness that ensued). there are only a few of them, but they're greatly entertaining, here are some samples: itsy bitsy pills - p1 Enjoy your Breakfast Check out the rest of the collection . Now, I'm actually surprised I haven't mentioned this yet. One of the more hilarious blogs is Awkward Family Photos , which has a great selection of hilariously bad pictures, mostly family photos, though some are prom pics etc. here's an example: Also, Merrisa the Mermaid
"Excessive conflict and violence is dangerous and warring chinchillas must be separated" -wikipedia article on chinchillas I found that on wikipedia yesterday because I was wondering whether or not it was true that you can accidently kill a chinchilla by petting it too hard(supposedly its fur isn't very firmly attached to the rest of it and if you pet it too hard it rips the fur off the body and they bleed to death), so far I've found no evidence of that happening though. Alright, now then. hem hem. one of my latest discoveries is Stuff White People Like . It's a blog whose title is very self explanatory. One of my more favourite posts is #108 Appearing to enjoy Classical Music . It's great. By the way, if you think that it's racist, you have no sense of humor. On the topic of blogs and the like I may as well make mention of Failblog and it's associated creations( Icanhascheezeburger and the like). this definitely goes under the category of thin...