"Excessive conflict and violence is dangerous and warring chinchillas must be separated"
-wikipedia article on chinchillas
I found that on wikipedia yesterday because I was wondering whether or not it was true that you can accidently kill a chinchilla by petting it too hard(supposedly its fur isn't very firmly attached to the rest of it and if you pet it too hard it rips the fur off the body and they bleed to death), so far I've found no evidence of that happening though.
Alright, now then. hem hem. one of my latest discoveries is Stuff White People Like. It's a blog whose title is very self explanatory. One of my more favourite posts is #108 Appearing to enjoy Classical Music. It's great. By the way, if you think that it's racist, you have no sense of humor.
On the topic of blogs and the like I may as well make mention of Failblog and it's associated creations(Icanhascheezeburger and the like). this definitely goes under the category of things that are really obvious that I point out anyway. While I'm on the topic of pointing out the obvious I would like to point you toward craigslist and it's Best-of-Craiglist. BE YE WARNED! Many have crass language or subjects but occasionally you can find some prose that is really quite lovely, like "Was that your limb? w4m" but I want to reiterate my point about how crass it is and blah blah blah. if you can't handle it, ask me to make you a list of all the *relatively* clean ones there are that I like. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
now then, since I have been mostly literary this post, here's some aesthetics. For whatever reason I haven't shown many drawings so to remedy that:
H.P. Lovecraft by ~Mirrorcradle
ok, that's all, I'm sleepy for no reason.Reading H.P. Lovecrafts works are on my to do list. Even if you haven't read any(like me :P) you can still appreciate this great work of art :D
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