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Showing posts from July, 2020

Ok I am going to bring this blog back

This is my decision. Here is why: I have this need to share things, stuff I've read, watched or listened to, stuff I've been up to, my opinions about things, useful resources and so on. The internet should be great for this, but I just haven't felt like I could do any of it. For one thing, I'm sort of over it with social media. For the past few years I haven't really felt comfortable being my full real self on it. The reasons for this vary by platform: on instagram I feel like I have to be professional bc art, on fb there are too many people that I don't want to interact with or share my life with, I feel like I have a lot of weird emotional baggage with tumblr, and twitter can be summed up by this pic: from here To boil it down, social media is not a good place for actual human interaction unless you are willing to take a lot of time culling your group of friends/followers/etc and it's just not worth it to me to spend the time making social media into tha...