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Condensation // 5

I feel like I'm not very good at being eloquent or using my words too great but I feel like I have to say something about the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I'm truly heartbroken. This year has already has so much bad horrible stuff and yet somehow this was something I did not see coming at all. I felt totally blindsided by the news of Justice Ginsburg's passing. While it may be a little thing in the scope of all the other tragedy of 2020 (what's one person's death when compared to 200,000? Or compared to the ongoing murders of black people? Or the atrocities committed at the border? or climate change? or? or? or?), it really feels like the straw that breaks the camel's back. I mean, on the one hand, it is just one person. And yet, Ruth Bader Ginsburg did more for me as a woman. I have so many more rights and freedoms because of her. Her work made a difference in my life and for that I will forever be grateful. 

On the other hand this opens the door for so much more tragedy, so much more corruption, so much more suffering and pain and frankly, evil. This is why we need to vote come November 3rd (or before! Preferably before!). While this year has been terrible, it has also shown that we can come together and fight for what's right in a way we haven't in years. We need to keep that fight. If 2020 has taught me anything, it's that the last thing we can do is sit back and hope that someone else will make things ok.

In unrelated personal news, I finally updated my profile picture for stuff!!! It feels like it has been so many years. It has in fact been a few years. I'm making a vague effort to get my social media a little more put together and I'm trying to figure out some kind of goal to set to make art more regularly and posting it more regularly and I guess this is a small step in that direction. Here's what else I've been up to the last couple weeks:


America Is Trapped in a Pandemic Spiral - The Atlantic

Coronavirus, Charity, and the Trolley Problem - Crooked

How Big Oil Misled The Public Into Believing Plastic Would Be Recycled - NPR

Here's my fave recent headline:



This LoFi House Mix that is changing my life

They play Koyaanisqatsi backwards as the video and honestly may be a part of why I am loving it (it's absolutely why I clicked on it) because I always need more of that film in my life (ugh I just love it so much why do I not have it on bluray yet wtf)

The Grandma Tesseract - My Brother My Brother and Me, I'm consistently two months behind on mbmbam so I only just listened to this but it is Very Good

Fungus Amungus - Radiolab



I want to make a masterpost of all the various places I donate to (or want to donate to) but until then I gave some money to Get Mitch or Die Trying this week, in honor of RBG
