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Condensation // 7

Haven't done one of these in a bit but I've got enough stuff that I want to share that I will do one now. I'm very behind on my NaNoWriMo this year but I've been more behind. I also got called to be the Primary President, which is kind of stressful, but we're trying to get through it as best we can.

Which U.S. Presidents Were Wife Guys? An Investigation - The Cut, this is for real one of my favourite articles and I think about it often. Gave it a reread due to Joe Biden's election. Without doing much research, it's hard for me to imagine Dr. Jill Biden allowing him to be a wife guy, but who knows.

Costly Signalling, Cheap Grace and Loving Our Enemies after an Election - By Common Consent, this was relevant for me in a lot of ways, both in terms of news happenings but also it gave me some insights wrt some theological stuff I've been wrestling with for the past few years

How Do You Know When Society Is About to Fall Apart? - The New York Times Magazine (soft paywall)
