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I know if you've looked at my blog...

because Google Analytics enables me to.

Anyway, creepiness aside, I have a bunch of random drafts that I've been meaning to post (most of them having something to do with tetris...) so, i thought I'd just compile them here.

"coolest thing ever. Tresling.

Anyway, I found one very useful site, it is called Know your Meme. Very useful for understanding various internet inside jokes, or memes.

The End"

ok, turns out it was just one that actually had substance, but whatever.

anyway, I've discovered a beautiful site(not unlike failblog etc) called Funny Exam Answers. It's glorious.


  1. Hello! I just started following your blog; I got the link through your YouTube account. I'm pretty sure I got that link through the video that you put on SparkNotes. Either that, or I found the link through Scott (ErgoHumor)'s profile. I'm confuzzlifyed.

    Anyway, long story short, I'm following your blog.

    Hehe, wow, I use Know Your Meme a lot, too! XD


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