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webcomics galore

this is like the webcomics special. Mostly because I've been reading Webcomics like CRAAAAAZY lately. anyway, I want to slap on a disclaimer first, none of these comics are kid friendly, I'll give specific warnings as to why, but all these comics are meant for young adult and older.

First, the one that really started me off on my webcomic craze is
The meek by Alexds1
updates: randomly, but more or less weekly with one page
warnings: swear words, nudity. Nothing tasteless, but still, you should be aware.
The art in this is superb, not to mention the characters, the story is intruiguing, even if there's only one completed chapter

xkcd by Randall Munroe
updates: every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
warnings: swears, some sexual content(not on all),other adult things...I don't know, math/science related humour (that shouldn't be a warning, but you might not get some of the jokes)
For what it lacks in artsy fartsyness, it more than makes up for in hilarity and injokes, anyone who has ever used the internet is bound to love it (in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if some of you already know about this)

String Theory by evilengine9
updates: Wednesday and Saturday
Warnings: according to the site "String Theory isn’t rated, and it does contain adult concepts and is written for adult sensibilities, but it shouldn’t contain anything over the top nudity or profanity-wise. Still, best to use your best discretion."
String Theory is probably my favouriteof the webcomics I follow, not only is the art glorious, but the story is so intriguing I can't wait to see what happens, :D

Gunnerkrigg Court by Tom Siddell
Updates: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
Warnings: nothing too extreme, this is probably the most kid friendly
The writing is beautiful and the art works so well with it, I love this comic

Hanna is not a boy's name by Vert-is-ninja
updates: randomly, but generally about once a week
Warnings: mostly swearing, kind of gory(not actually that bad)
I think my favourite part of this is the way the format works with the art, but I wouldn't read it if the story sucked (the writing is beautiful)

The Adventures of Dr. McNinja by Chris Hastings (inked by Kent Archer)
Updates: Monday, Wednesday and Friday
warnings: violence, swearing, ninjas(only applicable is you are a pirate)
Dr. McNinja is written amazingly, it is most hilarious. but don't take it from me, find out for yourself!

I'm getting lazy:
Dresden Codak (has something of a confusing format and content, but the art is awesome)
Married to the Sea (uhmmm, yeah.)
Evil Diva (such a guilty pleasure)
Phoenix Requiem (good story, good art)
Family man (werewolves {and some nudity} combined with AP Euro, basically.)
Trying Human (adult content and aliens.)


  1. Web comics! Love them! Have you heard of Order of the Stick? It's based on D&D, so there are a few jokes that you wouldn't get unless you played it (which I don't, but for some reason I still get them...), but it's really, really funny :D


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