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Charlie the Unicorn Three

it just keeps getting weirder. but check it out, Charlie the Unicorn Three is out on Newgrounds(and has probably already been pirated to youtube). If you are some kind of internet hermit and have no idea what Charlie the Unicorn is, see the first and second ones. that's about it.


  1. this is a comment this is a comment this is a comment this is a comment this is a comment this is a comment i'm hiding a comment this is a comment this is a comment now nobody will know what i am saying this is a comment this is a comment this is a comment this is a comment this is a comment this is a comment anyway charlie the unicorn is crazy this is a comment this is a comment this is a comment this is a comment annnnd you need to update this is a comment this is a comment this is a comment this is a comment this is a comment this is a comment

  2. Hi Shannon,

    Is Bloggth the second a deceased blog?

    Would you prefer I link you here at Condensed?

  3. yeah, bloggeth the second is most expired, I'm sorry to say. so yes, Condensed thoughts is better :)


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yo if you can figure out how to put a comment on this website you are a step ahead of me