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Showing posts from 2009

I know if you've looked at my blog...

because Google Analytics enables me to. Anyway, creepiness aside, I have a bunch of random drafts that I've been meaning to post (most of them having something to do with tetris...) so, i thought I'd just compile them here. "coolest thing ever. Tresling. Anyway, I found one very useful site, it is called Know your Meme . Very useful for understanding various internet inside jokes, or memes. The End " ok, turns out it was just one that actually had substance, but whatever. anyway, I've discovered a beautiful site(not unlike failblog etc) called Funny Exam Answers . It's glorious.

webcomics galore

this is like the webcomics special. Mostly because I've been reading Webcomics like CRAAAAAZY lately. anyway, I want to slap on a disclaimer first, none of these comics are kid friendly, I'll give specific warnings as to why, but all these comics are meant for young adult and older. First, the one that really started me off on my webcomic craze is The meek by Alexds1 updates: randomly, but more or less weekly with one page warnings: swear words, nudity. Nothing tasteless, but still, you should be aware. The art in this is superb, not to mention the characters, the story is intruiguing, even if there's only one completed chapter xkcd by Randall Munroe updates: every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday warnings: swears, some sexual content(not on all),other adult things...I don't know, math/science related humour (that shouldn't be a warning, but you might not get some of the jokes) For what it lacks in artsy fartsyness, it more than makes up for in hilarity and injoke...

how could I forget shoop da whoop?!

I found one very useful site, it is called Know your Meme . Very useful for understanding various internet inside jokes/memes. anyway, back to the title, somehow I did. lately I've been researching memes like CRAZY and I'm amazing I've completely forgotten Shoop da Whoop or "I'MA FIRIN' MAH LAZER!!!!!" or "I'MA CHARGIN' MAH LAZER!!!" this meme is fairly huge, though its origins are debatable. anyway, it's resulted in a lot of youtube videos and I've found a couple of collabs of newgrounds. the Lazer Collab and the lazer collab part 2 , which I think is better than the first one. I think some of these might swear, I don't know, I can't remember Also, Tresling. The End

some major lolz

" Where's my fannypack? this workout is over." bahaha, I think this site was made by hard core right wing ultra conservative baptist or something(I would say the amish, but they don't believe in technology), or maybe hermits who don't believe in social interaction, better yet! it was probably made by some stoicist or something; it's great. it shows the evils of prom(DUN DUN DUN!!!!!). I love things that are unintentionally hilarious. Life. The Anti-Prom. I prefer the Homeschool prom(you know, where you dress up really fancy and go and eat McDonalds or something similarly cheap), but I must say, all those symptoms are pretty intense, it's made me think twice, let me tell ya. I mean take a look at some of the conseequences listed " A 1999 study by the National Institute on Societal Abuse and Prom says that an 18-year old who attends prom has a 96% greater chance of watching network television later in life." Network Television, that's pretty ...

eggs, pills and awkward families

And now for a post that is considerably more visual: I just remembered this great collection of art by *nocturnal moth . They're anthropomorphized inanimate objects(in other words, she drew on random stuff she had at her house and took pictures of the silliness that ensued). there are only a few of them, but they're greatly entertaining, here are some samples: itsy bitsy pills - p1 Enjoy your Breakfast Check out the rest of the collection . Now, I'm actually surprised I haven't mentioned this yet. One of the more hilarious blogs is Awkward Family Photos , which has a great selection of hilariously bad pictures, mostly family photos, though some are prom pics etc. here's an example: Also, Merrisa the Mermaid
"Excessive conflict and violence is dangerous and warring chinchillas must be separated" -wikipedia article on chinchillas I found that on wikipedia yesterday because I was wondering whether or not it was true that you can accidently kill a chinchilla by petting it too hard(supposedly its fur isn't very firmly attached to the rest of it and if you pet it too hard it rips the fur off the body and they bleed to death), so far I've found no evidence of that happening though. Alright, now then. hem hem. one of my latest discoveries is Stuff White People Like . It's a blog whose title is very self explanatory. One of my more favourite posts is #108 Appearing to enjoy Classical Music . It's great. By the way, if you think that it's racist, you have no sense of humor. On the topic of blogs and the like I may as well make mention of Failblog and it's associated creations( Icanhascheezeburger and the like). this definitely goes under the category of thin...

random stuff

Red Remover by Gaz Thomas the song is definitely my favourite part. I'm going to be really lazy and just hyperlink all these awesome photos I found on deviantart. Rainbow country by =karil miss you.... by =IgNgRez m xx 123 by *scarabuss hurrah, I'm going on a vacation now.

Banner of newness and other whatnots

as you can probably see(if not, I question your computer) I have created a new banner. so that I won't feel like a con artist, I've provided the sources for all them. I will be proceding from left to right because in America, that is how we do things. :D ok, the first one is our old favourite mascot, the parody of Derek Stiles from the Wii game "Trauma center: second option"(yes. I only just barely figured that out. DON'T MOCK ME!) in Awesome Center Redux as you know since you obviously read the last post *wide eyed stare with slight twitch in left eye* Next to him is Edward. yes edward cullen. I've decided to save my twilight edition for when New moon comes out so I can *cough* celebrate *hack cough* anyhow. this is from one of the cartoons I will feature "Twatlight" which I must say...well I won't get into it yet. Next to him is James Potter from Makani's "the Maraunerds" bahaha, I love it, read the description, it makes every...

JOHN FREEMAN OVER HERE, Stackle and awesome

This post is going to be long because I combined two posts Probably one of the more hilarious youtube videos I've recently come across. Even if you don't know ANYTHING about Half life I think you will still find this to be the most retardedly funny things in quite some time. If you're wondering about the oddity of the 'script' It was some fanfic written by somebody who clearly does not speak english, or else has some serious mental problems...either way makes for great hilarity. original story can be found here . Alos look at the rest of them(there are three others) they're almost as entertaining...almost this is stackle * it's insane. I found it on Newgrounds and I must say it's fun, whether you're trying to keep the stack tall and strong or if you're just trying to destroy it. developed by here's a tower I made (zoom out to see it's true "beauty") Also found some crazy stuff on deviantart like The Shallow ...

Shameless self promotion.

I have made a page for this on facebook, which will hopefully improve on the amount of people who are checking this out and see what I see. so, for those of you who are looking at this because of my page of newly made-ness: I was Here by =xxkiriku lemon V by *Jeyigar and by the way, I've decided that Twitter is, in fact, useless

Twitter isn't useless after all?

Who'da thunk? anyway, I actually logged on since I heard all this stuff about tweets and the Iran Election. and Seriously, when you tweet you actually feel like you're part of it, which I think is fairly awesome. so...that's cool and stuff. I don't have much else to say, I just thought I'd mention that.

stupid game.

HOOOOOOLY crap. I just finished the most insane if not somewhat frustrating "click and escape" games. except it's lost its mind, which actually I liked a lot about it and made it so much more entertaining than ones with "stories" behind them :P thou shalt check it right now: stupid game by slinkers . Whilst you're there(or getting very frustrated and need something else to look at for a while) check out the rest of her gallery on deviantart. some of her Harry potter stuff is hilarious, for those who are awesome enough to read Harry Potter, that is. which reminds me... a little preview for my Twilight edition: "Bella Likes Twilight" by Makani and check out the rest of her awesomeness(I personally think she should have illustrated HP) und that is all for now!


but really not. So I tried out Twitter , and I have realised it's about the most ridiculous thing on the internet. it's more or less, facebook boiled down into status updates, which is nice, but as long as there are other aspects as well(which on twitter, there clearly aren't). Another thing, is that I don't know anyone who uses twitter, again, facebook seems to be much better for communicating. I don't really understand why all the big news channels are making such a big deal about it, it's a really a silly website of mostly pointlessness. besides, who wants to know your every bowel movement anyway? ok, rant over. elsewhere on the internet it is spring! so here are some spring inspired artwork, courtesy of deviantART Soft Day by *demonmathiel Hello Spring by *meppol Tulip day by =onixa

Charlie the Unicorn Three

it just keeps getting weirder. but check it out, Charlie the Unicorn Three is out on Newgrounds(and has probably already been pirated to youtube). If you are some kind of internet hermit and have no idea what Charlie the Unicorn is, see the first and second ones. that's about it.


I have no idea why I randomly went to valley girl something weird mode with that title. anyway. This post will be mostly me stating the(in my mind) obvious things of the internet ~ Etsy is this Curaaasy place of homemade stuff that people sell. most of the stuff on there is amazing! you guys should all check it out because it's basically awesome. ~Also take a look at Pandora . definitely the best internet radio. your username is your email address so that's pretty easy. the nice thing is that it's about as custom made as you can get it. you can hand craft your own radio based on a certain artist/composer or pick a genre one that Pandora has already made. check it: ~Another great thing you should look at is Yahoo answers . I freaking live there. I love answering questions, it's good fun XD you know what, while we're being dreadfully obvious, why don't you take a look at Facebook , or Youtube , maybe even Amazon :P

uber quick update

for the one of you who has been asking. I will get to my twilight edition soon enough. anyway, I just found the most amazing cuteness: And the winner is... by * trishvandenberg on deviant ART I saw that and I knew I must have it for this. check the rest of her gallery, it has even more cuteness and wow. chimpanzee riding on a segway. That's basically it. I'll come up with a real post soon

Freakazoid; or my latest favorite TV show

oh man guys. I found myself a great one this time. I can't believe I havne't always remembered it! Honestly, I used to watch this as a wee lass on Cartoon Network, long ago when I was young and innocent. Supposedly, it didn't get good ratings with its intended age group(which is always the excuse when they cancel a cartoon I like) so there are only two seasons. but gosh, I remember liking it. anyway, enough of my rant because I've rediscovered Freakazoid, made by the same people who made Animaniacs. here's a nice little sample: first episode can be found here. next on the [Anti-American U.N.]* agenda are some of the works of the Weebl he's got a crazy voice and an amazing sense of humour. Check out some of his crazy song/videos Owls Electro Gypsy (my personal Favourite) He is also the creator of Weebl and Bob, which is probably what he is best known for. Here are a couple of my favourites: Weebl and Bob: CSI (which you probably won't get unless you've ...

Frontier Psychiatrist (that boy needs therapy!)

Sorry I haven't update for a couple of weeks, I'm still just trying to spread this around. we'll see. but just a quick update for your viewing pleasure guash. I think I'll start with one of my most favorite songs which I learned through the magic of internet. I'm of course talking about Frontier psychiatrist. the original music video can be found here . Of course, some people may find it somewhat scandalous, and I apologise if you're one of them. there are a lot of other music videos to it, but I think this one sums it up quite nicely. In other news, great parody website of the Homeland security safety illustrations funniest thing I've seen in quite a while. but also see this: normally I would hyperlink it but I'm lazy at the moment. that's an intro the the mayhem possible with animation and desktops. the better one can me found here: Animator versus animator Animator versus animator...

water your down.

ok, so some people thought my last post was too long. I apologize to anyone if I overwhelmed them C: I'll try to cut back for this one. alrighty then. first off , everyone loves(or at least should love) guitar hero/rock band(same diff, really) well, you have to see some of these crasy internet versions. First is piano hero ? I have to say, it's a funny concept. But more so is the site it's from. Primary games is pretty much the only gaming website that my schools server doesn't block, which is really good when you're in TV west and have NOTHING better to do. but I think the best of these pseudo guitar hero type deals is Guitar CRAZY ! because you are a pig(or other loveable creature) playing the guitar.  I do believe I am playing a...gerbil? I have no idea the game is surprisingly harder than it looks, but that might just be because I haven't gotten used to it. My all time favorite internet guitar...thing  is definetly Guitar Geek on newgrounds. This game is...

trial condensation

This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. If this were a real situation, you would probably be dead. If you guys are wondering about the guy on the banner, he's from Awesome center redux* on newgrounds(he's temporary until I can't draw something as BAMF) Ok, just a couple of things this for this trial run. so I won't have a whole lot, I'll probably put up a full blown, legit update on liek...sunday, hopefully. now then, first up is a web comic I'm rather fond of, lackadaisy. it combines two of my favorite things, the 1920's and cats into a very well made and entertaining comic. see it here . Warning : contains mild violence and language. continuing on, I have a peice of art I found on deviantart, which I think is rather adorable. if you are uber sensitive to everything in the universe, you may not like it, but that's more your problem than mine. :) if you have a deviantart account, you can fave it here that's all for the moment, this has bee...

coming soon

I have to do some market studies and whatnot before I make this official. But for all you wandering internet sherpas, I will give a brief introduction to this brainchilde of mine(I did mispell that on purpose). The theory behind this is I realised that I spend so much time on the internet, and I would consider myself something of a connoisseur of internet random ness(self proclaiméd title at best) I thought I should share with all my friends this random crap I find. Mostly it's art or else funny things I find, to be really vague.  So, when I finish my survey of friends(I have to see if more people are interested in this than just me, though so far the result are positive) I will most likely update with a bunch of random flashes, games, songs, artwork etc for whoever is interested in seeing it